Monday, November 5, 2012


Dukang: AT its AGM, CEO and mgt explained why the Baijiu distiller has never paid dividends despite being profitable since listing in 2008. Net profit also multiplied at an astounding rate to Rmb 218 million (CAGR 195%) over the same period. This exceeds even China’s rapid growth in Baijiu sales of 30% a year over the past 5 years. To meet the demand as a result of its marketing efforts, it is ramping up production capacity by 40%. By mid 2013, grp will have another 700 fermentation pools that will add 3,000 tons of grain alcohol production to its annual capacity. Grp will consider distributing div and buying back shares when it has achieved these immediate goals and have surpluses that do not need to be ploughed back into our operations.

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