Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Loyz - Latest news was on Monday where the grp entered into a six-month US$5m revolving loan facility with HSBC, to be used for the development and working capital of its oil and gas assets by its US-subsidiary Loyz America. The interest of the facility will be on a floating rate basis. Seperately, we note that Investor interest in the oil & gas exploration and production (E&P) sector has been gaining traction, evidenced by the buoyant share price and volume action of the E&P-focused stocks. Riding on the momentum, newly listed counters Kris Energy and Rex, recently took the opportunity earlier in the third quarter to complete their public offering, raising proceeds of up to $270m and $85m, respectively. There are a total of seven E&P firms now listed on SGX. INTERRA RESOURCE (INTR.SI) KRISENERGY (KRIS.SI) LOYZ ENERGY (LOYZ.SI) MIRACH ENERGY (MIEL.SI) RAMBA ENERGY (RAMB.SI) REX INTERNATIONA (REXI.SI) RH PETROGAS LTD (RHPG.SI)

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